Thursday, July 9, 2015

Builds Business Profits

Learning Money and Ethics Is A Four Day Event. The First Three Days Did Not Change My Life

If you have experience training for any sporting activity, or when you scheduled to take any test in school  you know there was preparation. This event is like that.  The entire first three days is getting you ready for day 4. Those three days help you understand the true meaning if ethics, moral code, justice and more.  You will learn barriers to learning and study technology or study tech. There are many concepts you will learn that will help you—but are they “life changing”?

Of course any time we expand our knowledge our life changes. However the context of Live Changing Event is much bigger than gaining knowledge and expanding our skills. “Life Changing”  is one of those truly “WOW Moments” even with the wow word being more than overused by many at this time.

What Really Happened on Day 4 of  The Learning Ethics and Money Seminar?

Once our understanding of key principles and definitions was clear, we were ready for our assignment. After a couple hours of practice we were left to work. I still didn’t want to do this. However I made a commitment to follow the instructions.  The assignment was very clear: begin writing the overts and withhold of your life following a precise formula for presenting the detail. To make sure  there is no mistake, Meir requires each person to write one personal overt in the prescribed format and show it to him to confirm you know how to do it.  I did that and started.

What Is An Overt and Withhold?

Very simple an overt is something I did to someone else that I would not want done to me. For example I promised to deliver a report by 4 PM and didn’t do it because I was chatting on twitter.  A withhold is similar only you are withholding from someone else an event or information that because you withheld it your relationship is weaker.  For example you tell your spouse you are working late and in reality you are drinking with your friends and watching the game.  The principle is that when we are responsible for an overt or withhold we develop a pattern that justifies the action or withhold.  You will need to come to the seminar for the depth of this message and to understand the power of the O-W process.

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